Inglés básico en nutrición: Unidad 2 Categorías gramáticas en inglés
Escribe un párrafo acerca de
tus hábitos alimenticios, primero analiza si has mejorado alguno de ellos
desde que iniciaste la carrera (menciona algún hábito pasado). (Aproximadamente
6 líneas)
The eating habits that I had before starting the
race, were practically very poor in terms of nutrition, and this because I did
not understand many concepts that you think are not completely true, but now
with the knowledge acquired by the career, I can understand how important is to
include in my diet, various foods of the 3 groups, as well as the correct
supply of vitamins and minerals that support the vital functions of my body.
Agrega otras 6 líneas
describiendo como mantienes tu salud actualmente, describe tus hábitos, y
expectativas para seguir mejorando tu salud.
Now, as low-sugar foods, such as whole grain crackers, brown rice, I do not consume excess
sweets or soft drinks. Moderate treatment in the consumption of food at each meal, eating
only what is necessary and not exceeding the intake. Another change is the most common
consumption of fruits and vegetables in my time, which prevents deficiencies of minerals
and vitamins vital for my body and that of my family.
To develop the English language in subjects of nutrition, allows me to recognize certain
indications, forms or writings that have to do with the subjects of nutrition and thus to begin
to look for information and data that to it talks about.
Unadm (s,f) Inglés básico en nutrición. Consultado el 15
marzo del 2019.
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