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24 jun 2019

Inglés Básico en nutrición: Asignación a cargo del docente en línea

Inglés Básico en nutrición: Asignación a cargo del docente en línea 

“The current burden of malnutrition is unacceptably high”

The problem of malnutrition in children afflicts most countries in the world.
 The different types of malnutrition cover each of the extremes; On the one hand,
 malnutrition due to poverty occurs in the poorest countries, while malnutrition due
 to excess calories covers another economic spectrum. Children with growth retardation 
of 0-59 months includes 22.2% of children worldwide. The cases of overweight
 and wasting do not even reach 15%


 The data obtained are essential to act, with them we can determine what type of
malnutrition is most present and why we should act with stricter policies, with the
development of comprehensive programs, making incapie a healthy diet, set a good budget
to solve the problem The world organizations, like the WHO, should address the problem
immediately and have a short-termprojection of the expected progress


Act immediately to these alarming data, avoid irreversible damage to the world child population
They are the future and we must seek the human right to food

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