Inglés básico en nutrición: Oraciones interrogativas
Understanding the English language implies
knowledge of both reading and listening comprehension and understanding.
Therefore, in this work, an audio will be included to analyze and understand a
dialogue between people.
It is understood in the audio, a conversation between two brothers, in which Andrew talks
to his sister who has decided to change his lifestyle thanks to an information that arrives
to him by electornico mail upon payment. But the sister has realized that he has gained
weight and asks him what he eats, he does exercise, and in the end he realizes that he
is not like that, he eats ice, he does not exercise, he takes Soda instead of water, and her
sister tries to tell her that she has to improve her diet, eating less fast food and fewer
related to food or nutrition
1. The man (Andrew) and woman are _________.
A. siblings
B. husband and wife
C. close friends
A. siblings
B. husband and wife
C. close friends
2. Andrew found out about his new diet ______.
A. from a friend
B. through an email
C. on TV
A. from a friend
B. through an email
C. on TV
3. From the conversation, we can infer that Andrew _______.
A. has started a new exercise program
B. just joined a fitness center
C. hasn't gone running yet
A. has started a new exercise program
B. just joined a fitness center
C. hasn't gone running yet
4. The problem with eating at night is that _________.
A. the body isn't active to use up the extra calories
B. you feel hungrier in the morning hours
C. your blood pressure increases because of the extra fat
A. the body isn't active to use up the extra calories
B. you feel hungrier in the morning hours
C. your blood pressure increases because of the extra fat
5. The woman knows Andrew is a regular customer at McDonalds because
A. the manager dropped off some food at his house
B. Andrew has hamburgers in the refrigerator
C. the woman found items in his garbage
A. the manager dropped off some food at his house
B. Andrew has hamburgers in the refrigerator
C. the woman found items in his garbage
The listening comprehension of the English language allows us to know which is the way in
which the natives pronounce their language, so to do exercises of this type of impression
will allow us a better learning
Amaras O. (22 enter 2014) ¿Como entender el ingles? Comprensión lectora en inglés.
Consultado el 20 marzo del 2019, de:
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