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24 jun 2019

Inglés básico en nutrición: estructura y formación de oraciones

Inglés básico en nutrición: estructura y formación de oraciones

1. Lee el siguiente texto, 5 verbos asociados al quehacer del nutriólogo o de la salud y alimentación. Identifica 5 sustantivos relativos a la salud, comida o cuerpo humano (colócalos en una tabla).

5 verbos asociados al quehacer del nutriólogo
5 sustantivos relativos a la salud
Scrap food

severely overweight
Healthy lifestyle
Lose weight
Look after

a. How much did you understand?

1.What happens if you eat non-nutritious food?
You will have poor health and obesity

2.If you want to lose weight, what should you eat?

Avoid foods high in calories and fats, prefer nutritious foods that do not fatten

3.Why do bodybuilders eat food that is high in protein?

To gain weight and improve your appearance

4.Why do vegetarians avoid meat? (Give two reasons.)

they believe that meat is bad for health and because they love animals

5.What is one of the dangers of extreme diets?

The danger is that you can suffer food disorders dangerous to health such as anorexia.

b. Text Analysis Questions
1.What is the main idea of this text? (paragraph 1)(What does the writer believe about food and health?)

the foods that are consumed determine our health.
The idea of ​​the writer is that we take into account that the food we choose will determine our state of health

2.What is the writer's defnition of "diet"? (paragraph 2)

Diet is a plan to eat

3.List the reasons given for going on diets. (paragraphs 2, 3)

People follow diets to lose weight, gain weight and improve appearance, for a better way of life or take care of health
4.What are the writer's definitions of "eating disorder" and "anorexia"? (paragraph 4)

Eating disorder involves overeating or not eating.
Anorexia calls it the compulsion not to eat

5.Why does the writer give us the example of anorexia? What does this example show?

It gives us this definition of anorexia to understand the severity of an eating disorder and the degree to which it can arrive if it is not attended to in time.

6.What is the purpose of this article?(Who is it for? What is the main idea? What is the writer's message 

The purpose is to understand the importance of a good diet to have a good state of health and is directed to all public interested in the subject. The message is clear, health depends on your diet.

Ross T. (1992) Food- the choice is yours. Consultado el 20 de marzo del 2019, de:
Unadm (s,f) Inglés básico en nutrición. Consultado el 20 de 2019

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