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25 jun 2019

Fisiopatología aplicada II: Infografías del sistema renoexcretor

Fisiopatología aplicada II: Infografías del sistema renoexcretor 

Las enfermedades originadas por el sistema renoexcretor, puede estar relacionado directamente con el tipo de alimentación y estilo de vida, así como la obesidad, por lo que tener énfasis en la prevención, podrá evitar este tipo de patologías que son sumamente desgastantes para el paciente que lo sufre y del cual se llega a un gran porcentaje de mortalidad en personas que los sufren.
Unadm (s,f) Fisiopatología aplicada II. U2 Fisiopatología del sistema renoexcretor. Consultado el 25 mayo del 2019.
Malkina A. (s,f) Falla renal aguda. Consultado el 25 mayo del 2019, de:
Unam (s,f) Insuficiencia renal crónica. PDF, consultado el 25 mayo del 2019, de:

24 jun 2019

Inglés básico en nutrición: Oraciones interrogativas

Inglés básico en nutrición: Oraciones interrogativas 

Understanding the English language implies knowledge of both reading and listening comprehension and understanding. Therefore, in this work, an audio will be included to analyze and understand a dialogue between people.


It is understood in the audio, a conversation between two brothers, in which Andrew talks
 to his sister who has decided to change his lifestyle thanks to an information that arrives 
to him by electornico mail upon payment. But the sister has realized that he has gained 
weight and asks him what he eats, he does exercise, and in the end he realizes that he 
is not like that, he eats ice, he does not exercise, he takes Soda instead of water, and her
 sister tries to tell her that she has to improve her diet, eating less fast food and fewer 

Words related to food or nutrition
Fast food
Ice cream


1. The man (Andrew) and woman are _________.
A. siblings
B. husband and wife
C. close friends
2. Andrew found out about his new diet ______.
A. from a friend
B. through an email
C. on TV
3. From the conversation, we can infer that Andrew _______.
A. has started a new exercise program
B. just joined a fitness center
C. hasn't gone running yet
4. The problem with eating at night is that _________.
A. the body isn't active to use up the extra calories
B. you feel hungrier in the morning hours
C. your blood pressure increases because of the extra fat
5. The woman knows Andrew is a regular customer at McDonalds because ________.
A. the manager dropped off some food at his house
B. Andrew has hamburgers in the refrigerator
C. the woman found items in his garbage

The listening comprehension of the English language allows us to know which is the way in 
which the natives pronounce their language, so to do exercises of this type of impression 
will allow us a better learning
Amaras O. (22 enter 2014) ¿Como entender el ingles? Comprensión lectora en inglés. 
Consultado el 20 marzo del 2019, de:

Inglés básico en nutrición: estructura y formación de oraciones

Inglés básico en nutrición: estructura y formación de oraciones

1. Lee el siguiente texto, 5 verbos asociados al quehacer del nutriólogo o de la salud y alimentación. Identifica 5 sustantivos relativos a la salud, comida o cuerpo humano (colócalos en una tabla).

5 verbos asociados al quehacer del nutriólogo
5 sustantivos relativos a la salud
Scrap food

severely overweight
Healthy lifestyle
Lose weight
Look after

a. How much did you understand?

1.What happens if you eat non-nutritious food?
You will have poor health and obesity

2.If you want to lose weight, what should you eat?

Avoid foods high in calories and fats, prefer nutritious foods that do not fatten

3.Why do bodybuilders eat food that is high in protein?

To gain weight and improve your appearance

4.Why do vegetarians avoid meat? (Give two reasons.)

they believe that meat is bad for health and because they love animals

5.What is one of the dangers of extreme diets?

The danger is that you can suffer food disorders dangerous to health such as anorexia.

b. Text Analysis Questions
1.What is the main idea of this text? (paragraph 1)(What does the writer believe about food and health?)

the foods that are consumed determine our health.
The idea of ​​the writer is that we take into account that the food we choose will determine our state of health

2.What is the writer's defnition of "diet"? (paragraph 2)

Diet is a plan to eat

3.List the reasons given for going on diets. (paragraphs 2, 3)

People follow diets to lose weight, gain weight and improve appearance, for a better way of life or take care of health
4.What are the writer's definitions of "eating disorder" and "anorexia"? (paragraph 4)

Eating disorder involves overeating or not eating.
Anorexia calls it the compulsion not to eat

5.Why does the writer give us the example of anorexia? What does this example show?

It gives us this definition of anorexia to understand the severity of an eating disorder and the degree to which it can arrive if it is not attended to in time.

6.What is the purpose of this article?(Who is it for? What is the main idea? What is the writer's message 

The purpose is to understand the importance of a good diet to have a good state of health and is directed to all public interested in the subject. The message is clear, health depends on your diet.

Ross T. (1992) Food- the choice is yours. Consultado el 20 de marzo del 2019, de:
Unadm (s,f) Inglés básico en nutrición. Consultado el 20 de 2019

Inglés básico en nutrición: verbo to be y tiempos verbales

Inglés básico en nutrición: verbo to be y tiempos 


The nutritionist requires the English language to understand some texts and research coming from this language. This will allow a greater knowledge of nutrition

Lee el siguiente texto, identifica 5 palabras asociadas a la alimentación, 2 palabras asociadas al quehacer del nutriólogo.
What's on your plate?
Imagine dividing your plate into four sections. One section is for fruits, one for vegetables, one for grains, and one for protein. Imagine that the grain and vegetable sections of the plate are a little larger than the other two sections. Imagine a glass of milk or side with a dairy product with your meal, and your healthy plate is complete. This is what a healthy meal looks like according to the recommendations of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) ChooseMyPlate program.*
Adults should eat 2 cups of fruits and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables total every day. According to the USDA, we should eat more red, orange, and dark green vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and broccoli.
We should eat six ounces of grains every day. One ounce is one slice of bread or 1/2 cup of rice, pasta, or cereal. At least half of your grains should be whole.
We should eat three cups of dairy products every day. These can be milk, cheese, yogurt, or any other dairy product. Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products when possible.
Adults should also eat 5 1/2 ounces of protein every day. Protein sources include meat, seafood, nuts, beans, and eggs. Try to eat fish or some other seafood at least twice a week.
Include these categories of foods in the recommended amounts in your meals and you'll soon be much healthier.
*The ChooseMyPlate program and image were created by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (
Associate by food
Associate whit the nutritionist

Answer the questions with "True" or "False".
Principio del formulario
1.    According to the USDA, we should eat more vegetables than fruits.
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
2. We should eat two cups of dairy products every day.
false, Three products are recommended daily
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
3. We should eat more red, orange, and dark green vegetables.
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
4. We should eat fish at least 5 days a week.
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
5. Broccoli, an apple, fish, rice, and a glass of milk would be a healthy meal according to the USDA recommendations.

Inglés básico en nutrición: evidencia de aprendizaje unidad 1

Inglés básico en nutrición: evidencia de aprendizaje unidad 1 

Mediterranean and DASH Tie for Top Spot in Recent Ranking
 Each year, U.S. News & World Report releases a ranking of popular diets—assessed by a panel of health experts based on seven categories, including weight loss, nutrition, safety, and ease of compliance.
 Topping 2018’s list of “best diets overall” is a tie between the Mediterranean and DASH Diets, which received high marks for being healthy and easy to follow, and potentially effective for weight loss in both the short- and long-term. “No single diet works for everybody, but the DASH and the Mediterranean diets have the strongest biological underpinning, and also have been tested in the largest and longest studies,” says Dr. Eric Rimm, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, who served as one of 25 panelists for the 2018 ranking. “I’m glad the other panelists agreed with me since it is not always the case that nutrition experts agree!”
Other popular diets—such as those that involve fasting or severe dietary restrictions—fell lower on the list, with the Ketogenic Diet ranking last. Although these and other diets may result in short-term weight loss, many were rated as difficult to follow, which factored into lower scores for weight loss in the long term. “Some diets that fell further down the list have only been tested short term, and should really be considered prescriptions—not long-term lifestyle solutions” says Rimm. “Choosing a diet that is both healthy and easy for you to follow is crucial for lasting results.” Remember that even if a particular diet may result in weight loss for one person, it may not be effective for another due to individual differences in genes and lifestyle. And while research shows that calories matter, focusing on food quality is an equally important part of the equation for preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss.
Bibliografía Staff. (2018). Mediterranean and DASH Tie for Top Spot in Recent Ranking. 24 de enero de 2018, de Harvard T.H. Chan Sitio web:


             Pronouns person                                                           Adjetives
Cuadro de texto:    

          Pronouns  demonstratives



) Identifica las estructuras gramaticales aprendidas en la Unidad 1 dentro del texto.

3) En un máximo de dos párrafos construye un análisis del artículo.
The different types of diets fulfill different purposes, whether to lose weight, increase muscle mass or due to some disease. These diets are often difficult to carry, given their complexity and lack of efficiency due to nutritional deficiencies. That is why evaluating these diets by different specialists is necessary to know their effectiveness. For what the diet with greater effectiveness turned out to be the DASH diet and the Mediterranean one. Thanks to these results, as a nutritionist, I can know what is the best diet that I can apply to my patients.
The DASH diet corresponds to the acronym in English of Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension. What was created to counteract the effects of high blood pressure. It is characterized by being a diet high in vegetables, fruits and dairy without or low in fat. Includes whole grains Legumes, vegetable oils Reduced in salt. Red meats Sweets and sugary drinks

4) Si existieron palabras que no entendiste enlístalas y busca su definición
Assessed.- Juzgado
Underpinning.- Apuntalado
Although.- A pesar de que
Focusing.- Enfoque
Weight.- Peso

Unadm (s.f) Inglés básico en nutrición.  PDF, consultado el 10 febrero del 2019.
Will (s,f) Adjetivos en inglés: orden y lista con 100 adjetivos comunes. Consultado el 10 febrero del 2019, de: