1. Elabora 5 preguntas de manera que pueda responderlas cualquiera
de tus
compañeros y publícalas en el foro. Utiliza los auxiliares do/does, has/have
y verb to be como en los siguientes ejemplos:
* Do you like playing tennis?
* Do you eat healthy foods?
* How do you take care of your health?
* Have you been sick recently?
Hi. Sent my activity in forum
Do you like pizza?
Do you like vegetables?
How do you take care of your feeding?
How has your eating habits changed since you study
Do you
Para responder
1. Do you like
eating vegetables?
Yes. I prefer them
when they are raw and not cooked, how spinach
2. Have you been
doing exercise?
Before starting with the stays yes, but now I do not have time
3. Do you like
going outside ?
Yes, especially to the city center
4. Do you like
but I like more crafts
5. Have you ever
been to Japan?
No, I've never been
you say the hours you need to your studies?
I need 3 hours
do you put into practice what you have learned in nutrition?
Applying everything I learned with myself and with my
you know what you are going to specialize in?
Yes, in clinical nutrition or nutrition in sports
do you think nutrition is important in our country?
Because there is a great pandemic of obesity and overweight, which will bring
serious diseases such as diabetes.
you had difficulty studying at a distance?
Yes, especially when the internet connection goes down
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